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Profile image for FediVision Vote Bot

FediVision Vote Bot

New in 2024, this is the bot that will count your vote! Accept no substitutes!

Send this account a toot in the form
substituting the (up to) three codes for the songs you want to win. Punctuation ignored, case insensitive, order is unimportant. Only your latest toot counts, so change your vote with a new toot.

518 Posts Posts & Replies Search
Fedivision 2024: Selfish [ASYN]
Fedivision 2024: The Roses Outside Grow Suspiciously Red [MIRR]
Fedivision 2024: Federation [TCRE]
Fedivision 2024: criminal [WILI]
Fedivision 2024: Webpunks [MOUL]
Fedivision 2024: aAa freestyle [CANA]
Fedivision 2024: Peaceful on the Surface [CONF]
Fedivision 2024: 7Lifes Part2 [UDIL]
Fedivision 2024: File Already Exists: Overwrite? [COSM]
Fedivision 2024: Living The Dream [RUGG]
Fedivision 2024: The New Rage [NRCI]

Welcome to the final hours of !
Over the next five hours I'll present the 72 songs in playlist order.

To vote for your three favorite songs, mention this bot and write "vote XXXX YYYY ZZZZ" where XXXX, YYYY, and ZZZZ are the codes announced along with the songs.
You can vote for 1, 2, or 3 songs. If you send multiple vote messages, only the last vote message will count. If you wish to retract your vote, write "delete vote".

Note: The word "vote" must be separate from this bots name. Only mentioning the bot and writing voting codes will not work.

Voting will close in 6 hours, at 7PM UTC.
