Here are the ten highest-voted entries to #Fedivision2024, from top spot to tenth, as announced by @vote earlier today!
1️⃣🥇 Misaligned Aardvarks by @keefmarshall of [NOTH] The Island of Nothing
2️⃣🥈 The New Rage by @negativeplayers of [NRCI] New Rage City
3️⃣🥉 All Zombies Go To Heaven by @dgar of [DIZZ] Dizzy Corp
4️⃣🤝 Site-23 by @fabi of [BLAH] Blahaj Cuddle Coalition
4️⃣🤝 Synthetic Synchronicity by @revengeday of [CYBE] Cyberpunks
6️⃣ Tap My Toes by @elsemusic of [CABA] The Cabaret Republic
7️⃣ Mare by @stephan with @MyLoFy of [RAIL] Lost Railroad Valley
8️⃣ Face the Fire by @simonvey of [TAUS] Die Tausend Lande
9️⃣Living The Dream by @sknob of [RUGG] Rugged scrublands
🔟 Versio by @cobalt of [COBA] Cobaltia
Congratulations to all! #Fedivision
#Fedivision2024 is wrapped and done! This instance and have been slipped into quiescent mode. We hope you’ve had fun participating this last month. Please continue to follow this account for further #Fedivision events.
The vote bot replies to your vote to confirm that it’s been counted. If you received that reply you’re all good.
If you didn’t then it could be that your message didn’t reach the bot, or the bot’s reply didn’t reach you, or you have DMs muted so you didn’t see the reply.
I can see in the logs that about 130 replies have been sent out by the vote bot, so there have been at most that many (×3) votes cast so far.
@kestral Your instance’s About web page will say. You are on Mastodon 4.3.0 (glitch-soc) and I haven’t seen any outgoing messages fail to reach your server, but votes are incoming and if they fail to reach they aren’t logged.
It’s been brought to my attention that there’s a communication issue between (which runs Takahē) and some (but not all) servers running Pleroma and Akkoma. Messages (including votes) are being dropped. I’m trying to diagnose it but I doubt it’ll be fixed by the time voting closes. Sorry if this affects you, you’ll need to find another account to vote from. 😞
With three and a half days left of voting in #Fedivision2024, don’t forget to vote for your 1 to 3 favourite entries, using the four-letter codes displayed next to them. Visit for instructions and an example! Voting closes UTC 19.00 on Sunday 26 May 2024. #Fedivision
#Fedivision listeners, if you’re not already following our vote-counting account at @vote, we recommend that you do before this Sunday. That account (not this announce account) will run the simulcast listening party on Sunday afternoon, and also will be first to announce the winners on Monday. #Fedivision2024
@Lioh Oh I saw that and meant to fix it. Damn HTML escape-escaping! Next time I’m near a big computer I’ll edit. Edit: done
@ddlyh Big thanks, yes, my Perl script wasn’t clever enough to handle collaborations, and it barfed on leading/trailing spaces too. I hand edited them all and they all go somewhere (hopefully correct) now.
Our pop-up channel for the FediVision 2024 voting period is live.
It's an alternative way you can hear the entrants if a linear format. It's on our main site below our regular channels.
Keep an eye on @announce and #Fedivision2024 for info, fun and light hearted lobbying.
To kickoff the voting period we'll have chat on for a bit as we are simulcasting our pop-up to the video/chat channel. The community will announce more hangouts fo the week.
Good morning all, thanks for the fedi user link bug reports. I will fix them today. Edit: now all links go somewhere; if there are still issues please check in.
@cobalt Many thanks. S3 bucket filename didn’t line up because of trailing whitespace/dot. All fixed.
Musicians: If you want to promote your own entry, you're invited to link straight to your block in; there's a #-anchor for each entry corresponding to your four-character code. Find the URL in the "Jump to" paragraph. The "Play" button there will jump the player at the top of the page to your track.
Happy Sunday! #Fedivision2024 is open for listening two hours early, in deference to the bedtime of the Radio Free Fedi hamster, who lives in UTC+12.
Watch the poor Wordpress site struggle as hundreds of instances try to load a preview for or stream now at
Voting still commences at the scheduled time of 13.00 UTC today, but as there's four hours of music, if you try to vote early you're definitely getting some side-eye.
@faustivache Confirming you are there, WFCA!
@keefmarshall @lminiero Exactly this.
@lminiero @keefmarshall You’re right, the bot will forget your prior votes and assign one vote to the artist you name in your last toot. To vote for more than one artist, vote simultaneously in one toot.
@announce [SELE] Selenites
[SHED] shedStudio
[SNOR] The Duchy of Snork
[TASS] The Anti-Stairs Syndicate
[TAUS] Die Tausend Lande
[TBSC] The Black Star Collective
[TCRE] The campaign for the reduction of entropy
[TDRC] The Democratic Republic of the Confluence
[THRO] Thronaria
[TPSB] The perpetually slightly bewildered
[UDIL] Universaldilettanten
[UFOP] United Federation of Planets
[WCFA] World Council of Federated Aspects
[WILI] witch lieu
[WSAN] Western Sandlandia
@announce [ODTH] Other Desert Towns & Hamlets
[OIMC] L'Ordre International des Musiciens Crasseux
[OSKY] The Overhanging Sky
[OSTF] The Other Side Of The Fence
[OWHM] Ostwurstheim
[PRNY] The Peoples' Republic of Central New York
[QAAR] Qaarg Taverns Plc.
[QDOM] The Queerdom
[RAIL] Lost Railroad Valley
[RBHN] Republic of Broken-Hearted Nerds
[RIGE] De Rigueurstralia
[RUGG] Rugged scrublands
@announce [HNCC] Harsh Noise Conservation Commission, Wetlands Division
[INTK] The Introverted Kingdom
[IPGW] The Island Paradise of Gender Wiggles
[KAST] Constellation of Kasterborous
[KRIS] The Princessipality of Kristiania
[LAPU] Laputa
[LUCA] Lunar Cats
[MIRR] The Mirror Universe
[MORZ] Morzania
[NBLT] The New Belt
[NEUT] Neutrosphere
[NNYO] New New York
[NOTH] The Island of Nothing
[NRCI] New Rage City
[OBTG] Obiektczęsta Trylliorga Gromadów
@announce [COBA] Cobaltia
[CONF] Land of Confusion
[COSM] The Independent Enclave of Coydon-Sur-Mer
[CYBE] Cyberpunks
[DEEP] Deeppurpland
[DEEZ] Sacred Municipality of Deez Nuts
[DIZZ] Dizzy Corp.
[EALN] The Eternal Alliance of Linfan and Nepeta
[EAPO] East Pole
[EATW] Earth-That-Was
[ELAN] Elandia Republic
[EMPW] Empire Waste
[FOSS] Free Republic of Fossia
[FVIA] Fediversia
[GNOM] Gnomeland
[HEJT] The Hidden Empire of Joshua Tree