We have two songs on a shared fourth place, with 37 votes each. The first of these is...
Song: Synthetic Synchronicity
Country: Cyberpunks [CYBE]
Congratulations to @revengeday
We have two songs on a shared fourth place, with 37 votes each. The first of these is...
Song: Synthetic Synchronicity
Country: Cyberpunks [CYBE]
Congratulations to @revengeday
The other song on a shared fourth place with 37 votes is...
Song: Site-23
Country: Blahaj Cuddle Coalition [BLAH]
Congratulations to @fabi
On the third place, with 43 votes, is...
Song: All Zombies Go To Heaven
Country: Dizzy Corp. [DIZZ]
Congratulations to @dgar
On the second place, with 46 votes, is...
Song: The New Rage
Country: New Rage City [NRCI]
Congratulations to @negativeplayers
@herr_irrtum @vote
Thank you! 😁
The first place in the fourth annual #FediVision Song Contest, with 50 votes, is...
Song: Misaligned Aardvarks
Country: The Island of Nothing [NOTH]
Congratulations to @keefmarshall
@vote Congratulations to @keefmarshall and to everyone participating! 😊
@vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're all mad, but lovely!
@vote A well deserved win by @keefmarshall for a cracking piece of silliness. Keeping alive the Fedivision tradition of novelty one-hit wonders.
@vote Congrats to everyone! Not just the top winners but all the musicians who made this a record-breaking year.
@keefmarshall @vote Congrats!
Congrats! Deserved win.
@keefmarshall @vote Is there a list of all entries in order of which place they came?
@negativeplayers @vote congrats on second place! Sorry, I have no idea how I beat yours!
@keefmarshall @vote well it was hilarious for starters