Profile for amin

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The Searchable Amin Hollon :Clew: :Polymaths:

About amin


Web Search Engine
Fedi Instance
Max solar eclipse totality seen


Amin is short for Benjamin. I just launched an independent search engine into public beta:

Life is truly a journey. Mine began in Bakersfield, California, but three months later took me to northern Afghanistan ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ซ. I took the scenic route through India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ and Malaysia ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡พ, and am currently braving a four-year foray through higher education at Texas A&M University, studying Communication and Professional Writing. Along the way I've learned musicmaking, storytelling, the art of performance, and technological mastery.

Wanna see where my journey takes me next?


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Hey, you. Yeah, you right there.

You should be proud of yourself. If you're not, well at least I promise that I'm proud of you. You are awesome and I'm honored to know you. And if I don't know you yet, I look forward to our impending friendship; say hello!

Fighting words, I know. But I still believe it to be true.

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I'm proud to announce the launch of the public beta for Clew, my independent web search engine! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

Try Clew:
Add to your browser:

Clew maintains an independent index and is aiming to be a copyleft (APGLv3), self-hostable, privacy-respecting, customizable search engine which prioritizes independent creators/bloggers/writers and penalizes sites with ads and trackers.

Many features are yet to come. If you'd like to support Clew's development and server costs, you can donate to its Liberapay team:

Boosts are very welcome, as is feedback of any kind!

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Recent posts

Every block of text in any website or app should use the default system font. (Headings get an exception.)

Poll open until , 48 votes so far
  • Option 1, Yes
    33.33% , 16 votes
  • Option 2, No
    41.67% , 20 votes
  • Option 3, Who cares? Not me.
    25% , 12 votes
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Testing whether federation is working again

Poll closed , 73 votes total
  • Option 1, I see this (from another server)
    80.82% , 59 votes
  • Option 2, I see this (I'm on Polymaths)
    9.59% , 7 votes
  • Option 3, I don't see this (I'm a liar)
    9.59% , 7 votes
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Heeyyyyy so all my RSS feeds are broken right now. I'm aware of it and know the problem: webfs, which I'm currently using to serve my static sites, doesn't seem to support multiple index filenames; with my current setup I need both index.html for my main pages and index.xml for RSS feeds. :P

I'll figure it out, I promise. Not immediately but I'll at least set something working up before I next publish something.

Open thread at this post

Hey, you. Yeah, you right there.

You should be proud of yourself. If you're not, well at least I promise that I'm proud of you. You are awesome and I'm honored to know you. And if I don't know you yet, I look forward to our impending friendship; say hello!

Fighting words, I know. But I still believe it to be true.

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